Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How to take screenshot on a PC

Debotech is back again and will teach you how will take a screenshot of your screen on PC easily.
Some people will wonder that how possible is it OK just follow me.
Firlsty just be at the page you are willing to screenshot.
2. Press a key on your keyboard «PRINTSCREEN»

3.when you press this key it will screen shot the page whst next
4. Open  paint  Application
5. Now press ctrl+v that is paste
It will paste the picture of the page you screenshot
6. If you want to edit it you can edit it
Now press ctrl+s (save)
Change the name to the name you wish because it will input a default title To it
And change the format to JPEG in other to be in a picture format.
And click save or pass Enter. 
Go to where you save it to and open it. 

It will open as a picture 

We hope this post is useful if it is comment 

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My name is Debo Adesanya AKA Debotech am a crazy being behind www.gurusgoons.com I am a blogger, web designer and web developer. contact me via whatsapp 09081215380